Simple Techniques To Get More Twitter Followers

When you are just getting started on Twitter your primary focus will be capturing new clients and leads by getting a solid number of followers.  Once a business has at least 1000 followers your business will be seen as one that ads value in your industry.  Below are the most popular ways to gain more followers:

Buy Twitter Followers — This is one of the fastest ways to gain followers.  Many businesses do this when they first join Twitter as a way to look more reputable to the organic followers that find them on Twitter.  Depending on the site you purchase your followers from they may be targeted or may be more random.

Post Regularly — To have the best success on Twitter you want to ensure you are posting on a regular basis.  This means no more than 3-5 times a day.  If you over the post you will be seen as spam which can backfire resulting in the loss of followers.  You can set up an account with a tool that allows you to schedule your posts ahead of time so you don’t have to remember to physically post on a daily basis.

Show Your Face — People connect more to a real person in a profile picture as opposed to a logo or random picture.  Post a picture in which you are professional, yet approachable.  You still have the opportunity to place other pictures in your header and on the wallpaper of your home page.

Follow Who You Know — Start by following everyone you know — clients, vendors, friends, family, etc.  They will instantly follow you back.  Then move on to follow influencers and businesses related to your industry.  They will almost always follow your back, and as their followers see you will gain organic followers.

Link Back To Twitter — Especially when you are new to Twitter or any social media site you want to make sure people know you are there, so link back to your Twitter feed.  You can do this in a variety of ways — add your Twitter link to your email signature, add a button to Twitter on your website, add your Twitter link to your marketing materials, and if appropriate add your social media link to your business cards.

Post Valuable Information — Make sure that the information you post is fun, unique, and valuable.  If your followers enjoy your post, they are more likely to retweet it!  Retweeting is one of the best ways to drive organic traffic back to your site as it exposes you to an entirely new group of followers.  When a follower retweets your post, don’t forget to send them a quick thank you.

It is still valuable to buy Twitter followers every so often to expose yourself to a large number of new faces, but employ these other techniques to see a consistent rise in your organic traffic and leads.